The desert is a harsh environment!
The temperatures are extreme, and they say everything out there either
"bites, sticks, or stings".
Walking & Driving in the desert
Let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.
Carry at least one gallon of water per person per day.
If stranded
Stay with your vehicle and signal for help.
If you must walk for help, wait until sunset & leave a note telling which way you went.
If you have water, drink it, don't ration it.
Walking in the desert
Always adapt gradually, going into the heat for short periods at first.
Drink fluids frequently and eat small meals regularly.
Avoid alcohol, which decreases your ability to tolerate heat.
Heat illness
The 3 commonly identified types of illness resulting from exposure to the desert heat include:
Heat Cramps
Heat Exaustion
Heat Stroke
The symptoms, becoming progressively more serious, range from abdominal cramps and muscle
spasms (Heat Cramps) to nausea, dizziness, headache, weakness, goose bumps, and cold,
clammy skin (Heat Exaustion) to mental confusion or loss of consciousness with hot dry
skin and no sweating (Heat Stroke). The categories may overlap.
Heat Stroke can be fatal.
Get out of the sun, and out of the heat if possible.
Cool the person with water, not ice (which may cause shock).
Get medical advice ASAP.
The Insects
Insects and Spiders
There are several poisonous insects you may encounter in the desert. While healthy adults usually survive these
encounters, you should be aware that they are potentially life-threatening to young children, older folks, or anyone with allergies.
Any of these may result in itching, welts, nausea, headache, and in more severe reactions, difficulty in breathing.
General recommendations for avoiding insect danger
Never put your hands or feet anyplace you cannot see.
Shake out all clothes and shoes before reaching into them.
Never go barefooted.
Do NOT wear perfume or bright clothes in the desert.
General treatment
Since you may not know what bit you, here are a few things you can do that are generally recommended for most of the above insect stings.
Wash the area with soap and water.
Apply ice, using a layer of cloth between it and the skin (no longer than 10 min. at a time).
Elevate the area, if possible.
Seek Medical Attention
If you have not had a Tetanus booster in the past 10 years, you should get one within 72 hours following the sting.
The Reptiles
Poisonous reptiles
According to the Arizona Game & Fish Department, there are 13 primary venemous species of reptiles in Arizona. (Only one is a lizard, the rest are snakes.)
Snakes are best avoided by never putting your hands or feet where you can't see.
If you should sustain a snake bite, keep as quiet as possible and get emergency medical aid immediately.
Do not apply ice or a tourniquet.
The last book listed above describes all the snakes you might encounter in Arizona and the toxicity of each.
The two considered responsible for the majority of snake bite fatalities in the U.S. are the
Western Diamondback and the
Mojave Rattlesnakes.
If you plan to spend much time in the desert, it would be good to become familiar with these two.